Write For Us Technology – Submit Tech Guest Post Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media

Start Your Guest Blogging Journey With Schoolunzip

Are you skilled in writing technology blogs? Are you a technology enthusiast and looking to write a technology guest post about trending technology topics? Do you have expertise in digital marketing guest posting and are looking to share your thoughts? If yes, Congratulations! You have landed at just the right platform. At Schoolunzip, we present this wonderful opportunity for talented and budding content creators to collaborate with us. We are always looking for new and unique ideas to contribute to our website. If you believe you have something worthwhile to say, we would like to hear from you. Send us your tech guest post, and we will take a look. 

What topics can you write for us?

To ensure the success of a guest post, it should be content-rich, detailed, and informative, offering reader valuable information and inspiration. The content should guide readers about current market trends, the latest innovations, new technological developments, and more. At Schoolunzip, we are specifically interested in tech guest posts or blogs covering the following topics:


Guest Posting Guidelines

If you are interested in writing a tech guest post for us, you need to follow our guidelines. Here are our list of guidelines: 

  • The article you submit must be authentic and free from any copyright infringement.
  • Before writing your article, please familiarize yourself with the niche and content of our blog.
  • Your article should be between 1,500 and 2,000+ words in length.
  • Break up your content into small, easy-to-read paragraphs and sections.
  • Use a natural, conversational tone to engage the reader.
  • All content must be original to avoid rejection.
  • Share your real-world experiences and expertise on the topic.
  • Use outbound links, lists, and bullet points to enhance the readability and flow of your article.
  • Once your article is published on our platform, it should not be posted anywhere else.
  • We reserve the right to remove your article if we find it published on other websites.
  • Your article should provide real data, reporting, research, or analysis.
  • The content must be written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well.
  • Avoid any spelling or stylistic issues.
  • We encourage you to include relevant images in your article but make sure you have the necessary permissions to use them.
  • Your article should be structured with three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Include an amazing, attention-grabbing headline for your article.

We look forward to reviewing your technology guest post submission and working with you to create valuable content for our readers. 

Guest Posts That We Won’t Accept

Before submitting your guest post, please review our website to ensure the topic has not been covered before. At Schoolunzip, we do not accept guest posts on topics that have already been published on our blog. 

We only consider Digital marketing guest post submissions that are relevant to our core business areas, which include

  • Digital Marketing
  • Technology 
  • Education 
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Software
  • Web Development
  • Gaming
  • Tech Reviews

We do not accept submissions that are irrelevant or non-informative.

By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your tech guest post being accepted and published on our website. 

Guest Post Submission Process

If you have an article or blog you think our audience would enjoy, please share it with us. Before submitting, please review our blog post requirements and topic guidelines to ensure your content meets our standards. Here is our official Email address for submitting the technology guest post –

Contact Emailschoolunzipofficial@gmail.com

When you are ready, email your sample tech guest post. Our editorial team will review your submission against these guidelines. If your original content meets our requirements, we will publish it on our website.

Who is eligible for Our Guest Posting?

If you possess a strong passion for writing and aspire to showcase your talent to a broader audience, then Schoolunzip offers an excellent platform. Within our community, we have a diverse range of writers, including both newcomers and seasoned professionals. 

We provide an exceptional opportunity for you to showcase your skills and talents on one of the most remarkable platforms available. Additionally, we provide our writers with editorial guidance and support.

Benefits of Submit Technology Guest Posts on Schoolunzip

  • Connect with numerous influencers in your industry.
  • Receive authorship credits for your posts.
  • Associate with a top-tier publication.
  • Showcase your talent, knowledge, and experience to a global audience.
  • Reach a vast readership and contribute to small business growth through your writing.


Want to write for us?

If you are ok with our guidelines, then you can submit your technology guest post to us. At Schoolunzip, we seek exciting, compelling, and relevant blog posts that enhance online experiences. Whether it is exploring digital marketing strategies, delving into the latest technology innovations, or discussing educational trends, we are excited to hear from you. Join us in creating valuable content that resonates with our readers and contributes to the growth of our community. If you have any queries related to guest posting, feel free to contact us. Let us know, and you could be our next guest blog writer!!